Indian Cinema for the World (Satyajit Ray )

Satyajit Ray 


Satyajit Ray is probably India's best - known film director and screenwriter. He sensitive and visually interesting work let the world see Indian cinema as more then simple entertainment. 

Ray was born in Calcutta(India) in 1921. He started out working as an illustrator for books and advertising. At one point  he illustrated the Bengali novel "pather panchali "-in English, the song of the Road. It tells the story of Apu(the poor son of a Priest). Apu wants to be a novelist and travels from his small  village to the city of Calcutta.The story shows the conflict between traditional and modern life.

Ray was interested in making a film of Pather Panchali, And a famous French director. Jean Renoir, encouraged him.Ray started work on the film in 1952, using friends as actors and film crew. He at first used his own money, but the West Bengal government eventually supplied the rest.

Ray completed the film in 1955. It was a tremendous success. Pather Panchali won a major award at the 1956 Cannes international film festival.

 After this, Ray became a very popular and respected filmmaker.

Most of his films are about the struggles of poor people. They also focus on the challenges of the modern world. 

Ray made all kinds of filmscomedies, tragedies, romance, musicals, and detective stories. All of his films, however, show his insight into how people behave and what they go through. 

Ray also wrote many stories and books. 
But he is best remembered as the person who woke up the world to the possibilities of fine film making in India.


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