The Man Who Conquered Disease (L0UIS PASTEUR )
(27 Dec. 1822 - 28Sep.1895)
Born : 27 December, 1822 (Dole), France
Died. : 28 September, 1895 (Marnes-la-coquette), France
Invention: Pasteurization
- Ecole Normale Superieure (1847),
- Ecole Normale Superieure(1843-1845)
- Copley Medal.
- Rumford Medal
- Montyon Prize
- Leeuwenhoek Medal
- Albert Medal
In 1855, when a rabid dog bit a boy bit a boy called
Joseph Meister,his mother was desperate. She went to the only man she thought might be able to cure her son.
Pasteur had found that rabies was caused by a virus - a disease-causing agent so small it could not be seen, even under a microscope.He had already worked out a way to defeat the rabies virus in animals. But he had never tried his treatment on humans. Pasteur treated Joseph, and Joseph became the first person to be cured of rabies.
Pasteur devoted his life to solving the problems of industry, farming, and medicine. He discovered that if a liquid like milk is heated to a certain temperature for a few minutes, it takes longer to spoil . If milk is not treated in this way, tiny living organisms called 'bacteria' cause it to go bad These organisms are killed by heat in a process that come to be called 'pasteurization'
Pasteur also discovered that many diseases are caused by germs that enter the body from outside. In 1877 he tried to find a cure for anthrax a disease that affects the lungs and kills cattle and ship. Pasteur successfully developed the method known as 'immunization'.Immunization means giving a patient a weak dose of a virus that the patient can fight off. Then the parent's body knows how to stop an actual case of disease.
You also know that
In 1868 pasteur saved the French silk industry. Silk businesses were facing ruin because of a mysterious disease that attacked the silkworm. Pasteur worked out a way of detecting the disease and preventing it from spreading.Louis Pasteur's discovered are among the most important in the history of medical science. He is offen knows as the founder of Microbiology - the study of simple life forms too be seen with a naked eye.
Pasteurization refer to :
a ) a disease causing organisms.
b) a weak dose of a disease.
c ) hearing something to kill bacteria.
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