Mother of Poor and Dying (MOTHER TERESA)

MOTHER TERESA (26 Aug. 1910 - 05Sep.1997) Born : 26 August 1910 Skopje North Macedonia Died : 05 September 1997 ,Kolkata Full Name. : Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu Nationality. : Ottoman, Yugoslavian, Indian Awards Nobel Peace Prize, Bharat Ratan, Order of the Smile, Golden Honour of the Nation, Duing her lifetime mother Teresa became known worldwide for her kindness and her charitable work. Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhou in Albany (now in Macedonia) in 1910. when she was 18 years old, she decided to become a nun in the Roman's Catholic Church. She took vows promising to live a simple life and not to marry, and she became Sister Teresa. The Institute had charity mission in India, and soon Sister Teresa sailed to the country to work as a teacher. Over the next 17 years, she taught in two s...